Sunday, 30 March 2014

GAY gospel artist JOJI BARO at it again...He says GOD created GAYS and they are here to stay.. Kenyans are just JEALOUS..Details here!!!

Self-confessed gay gospel artist, Joji Baro, now says that God created gays and it's high time people stopped discriminating them. He further says that there is no big deal with gays starting their own church, and those against it are just jealous.
Here is what the controversial gay gospel artist had to say on social media
BRETHRENS: Why all the attack? God created gays. So why is it wrong for gays to worship God?
You exorcise them, ex-communicate them, or even make them topic of sermons on Sundays yet when they go ahead and start their own you still follow them around and start to harass them.
But you don't refuse their gay offerings.
Is offering the reason why you don't want gays to start their own church? Wivu ni ya nini? Mungu ni mmoja.

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